duminică, august 30, 2009
miercuri, august 19, 2009
Proiectii de film in aer liber
De joi (20 august) pâna duminica (23 august) la Spatiile RYMA din cetate vor avea loc proiectii de filme bune, cu sprijinul Festivalului International de Film Transilvania (TIFF). Proiectiile vor începe la orele 21.00, intrarea libera.
Programul este disponibil pe site-ul ryma: http://www.ryma.ro si in afisul de mai jos:
Publicat de
11:41 a.m.
Etichete: arta, evenimente, film, filme, filme bune, good movies, recomandari
sâmbătă, august 08, 2009
Câteva zile de SPAM
De câteva zile (de pe la sfârşitul lui iulie), pe o adresă secundară de email am primit ca de obicei câteva mesaje SPAM. De data asta, spre deosebire de situaţia obişnuită, n-am mai primit informaţii despre viagra, cialis şi fetiţe gata-gata să vină la mine seara. Am primit în schim un mesaj de la o rusoaică Tatiana care se pare mă iubeşte şi e gata să se mărite cu mine!
În rest am câştigat mulţi bani (Tatina sigur se va bucura de asta, pentru că altfel n-ar avea bani să vină din Rusia în România), două bilete la concertul Madonna şi o excursie în Maldive. Suma totală (care deja mă face să mă gândesc la ce insulă să-mi cumpăr) e formată din:
- 14 milioane dolari (din Benin) - De fapt ăsta din Benin vrea să împartă banii ăştia cu mine dacă-l ajut să-i scoată din contul unui care săracu' a dat ortu' popii şi şi-a lăsat banii cadou băncii din micul stat african. I'm on it! Sper să-mi dea măcar jumate!
- Aceeaşi poveste în Burkina Fasso, unde un alt angajat al unei bănci are un alt client care a dispărut şi i-a lăsat cu 10,5 milioane de dolari care trebuie împărţiţi. Ce noroc că exist! Altfel ar fi luat ăla de la bancă toţi banii şi de bucurie ar fi băut prea mult, intrat în comă alcoolică şi ar fi murit şi el! Lasă că-l salvez pentru jumate din sumă!
- Mr. John Hall mă informează că adresa mea de mail a câştigat 500.000 de Lire Sterline. Asta e ceva nou, unii care lucrează în lire sterline. Nu înţeleg ce o să facă adresa mea de mail cu atâţia bani, dar când îi primeşte sper să-mi ia şi mie o îngheţată.
- În final, prietenii de la Raiffaisen Bank pe care ţin să-i felicit pentru securitatea informatică. De câteva luni îmi tot trimit zeci de mailuri - ba cineva încearcă să-mi acceseze contul, ba se schimbă sistemul de securitate şi trebuie să-mi schimb şi eu parola. De data asta au schimbat placa şi mi-au dat direct un premiu (la tombola la care n-am jucat luna trecută). 50.000 de Euro, dovadă că premiile de milioane nu mai prind la
fraieripublic. Oricum, tot respectul pentru băieţii care lucrează la proiectul Raiffaisen SPAM - codul trimis în ataşament e destul de impresionant deci ceva skills sunt pe acolo. Plus că e encriptat - băieţi, data viitoare puneţi encriptarea voastră proprie, că ştim şi noi să dăm pe google decrypt encrypted hmtl. Alte tombole, tot de la Raiffaisen Bank - căci se pare că mai nou e o concurenţă dură între cine fură mai tare, mi-au adus 2 bilete la Madonna şi o călătorie în Maldive! Fraierilor, cu 50.000 de euro o iau pe Madonna cu mine în Maldive o săptămână!
Publicat de
5:00 p.m.
1 comentarii
Etichete: it, Raiffaisen Bank, scrisori nigeriene, SPAM
miercuri, august 05, 2009
Mom never really had pets. Even when she was a kid in the country side and the place was filled with all kinds of animals, they were mostly work and no play - animals were there for their productive purpose: meat, milk, wool or egss, guarding the house or catchig rodents.
When she moved to the city there was even less interest in a pet although her uncle and aunt (who were as close to us as any grandparents would have been) had a house and a small yard and for some time did raise some animals.
So that's probably why I never had a pet growing up. We were living in an apartment building and every time I would cry for a dog or a cat, mom would say "no dear, we can't have pets inside the apartment". I remeber staying during the summer in the country side (the village where she was born) and playing with all the animals: sheep, young horses, dogs and especially cats. I found cats were nicer and I loved the fact that I could hold them since they were smaller than other animals; beside that, they would always come to you and try to get under your skin. Countryside cats are no pets though; grandma' used to hush them away from inside the house and argue with me about feeding them underneath the table. I was the only one feeding them, everyone else said they won't catch any rats if they're not hungry.
When I grew up, I forgot about wanting a pet. I guess I had other things on my mind: school, computer games, girls... and besides, I was used to not having any animals around. But then, all of a sudden, after I started living alone, I remembered everything - how I liked cats, how I loved petting them and pulling their tails (just to catch them, not to hurt them), how they sometimes scratched me (and I would leave them alone for a while, then started everything again).
So I got a cat. A little black - devilish cat named Mefis, short from Mephistofel (the Devil's name from German mythology). He was two weeks old when I got him, a little fur-ball that thought for a while I was his mother. My mom found out pretty quickly about it, since he was crying all the time, especially when I was on the phone, so she heard him. Man was she pissed! "They stink" she said; "they're dirty and leave hair allover. Get rid of it". I didn't. It wasn't easy, and the hair that he shed was indeed a problem, but I held on to him for about two years.
After I moved from the apartment I was living in (no. 13 - go figure, perfect place for a black cat named after the Devil), I moved to a small room at the university; I could see he didn't really like the small space and after a while I found out we're not allowed to have pets. My mom was happy about that as she said I could bring him to their house, where her uncle still lived and where she went each day, so I did.
He's a happy cat now, running around the yard, catching butterflies, climbing trees and chasing other cats. My grandfather loves him and the funniest thing happened - my mom started - shy at first but more and more - to grow fond of the little guy. Now they're good friends, she feeds him, plays with him and every time I speak to her on the phone she tells me about all the crazy stuff my cat's up to...
It's them in the picture above. I guess people do change.
Publicat de
1:38 p.m.
Etichete: viata